Each payday, your employer is required to furnish you with a stub that you can detach from your paycheck, or with a separate written document, that provides particular information about your wages and deductions. Many people cash their paychecks every week or every two weeks without considering the meaning of all the items on their payroll stubs and without confirming the accuracy of the amounts on the stubs.
Employers can make mistakes, either knowingly or unknowingly, and wise employees check their payroll stubs to ensure that everything listed on them is correct. If you are not in the habit of keeping your pay stubs, you can ask your employer for a copy of your payroll record. All employers in the state of California and in many other states must keep extensive payroll records for their employees for at least three years and allow those employees to inspect or copy their records on request. An employer in California who refuses to allow an employee or former employee to see his or her payroll record within 21 days of receiving the request may have to pay a penalty to the employee.
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